Thursday, May 26, 2005

throw up

WOW! I am THE mom of the world! Kennedy informed me last night that she felt sick and thought she was going to throw up. So we go into the bathroom, and wait and nothing happens. Well, she is so like her dad, she actually asks for Pepto Bismol and then takes it! Gross! I usually just wallow around in my misery until I throw up, I despise the stuff. Well, anyway as she is going back to bed she says "If I feel like throwing up, I will come into your bathroom because you are so good and help me so much" So what a compliment!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Summer smells

Normally I do love the smell of summer...yesterday someone was buring some limbs that they trimmed and it reminded me of a campfire. However, on Wednesdays and Saturdays I hate the smells of summer...this is trash day!!!! And as I am running at 6:30am through my neighborhood, I am no longer enjoying the smells of summer but rather trying to hold in last nights dinner!