okay, this is so adorable!! When the kids are "graduating" to the elementary side of sunday school, they get their first Bible with a big presentation, the pastor gets his picture taken with each person etc... Anyway, Mac is so cute! He said he was so excited about getting a "real" Bible and he wanted to read from it as soon as we got home. So I asked him if he wanted to read a particular story or what, and he said "no, just start at the beginning and read to the end...tonight!" So of course I do not want to tell him that we can't read that much of the Bible, so I say okay, well we better get started. We made it to Genesis chapter 2 verse 3 when he said he was done, for tonight. He is so cute! When we prayed in bed tonight, he thanked God for making a Bible and for all the wild animals he made also. And thanks for making it in just 7 days! He is precious.