It is bad enough when your husband has to tell you how to drive, but your 9 year old? Come on! She sits back there and says things like "you can get in the other lane" "you can go faster and still be in the speed limit" "You don't have to slow down that much the light is changing." She is interesting to say the least. An all the while my 2 year old is copying me "come on people, move it!"
Well, after freaking out that Kennedy actually got her first ever B on a report card, she is doing better. She and I have read more together and I have spent some great time with her, doing her homework and helping her out. She really wants to do well, and she tries so hard. She is getting so big in so many ways, and I fear for the days that she will not want me to kiss her or hug her!
Mac was naming the things he liked to do best and after soccer, and running and playing and swimming...he actually said cleaning! I am a little frightened by this, but I guess it will make him a good husband some day.