Monday, July 21, 2008


My kids are hilarious...
i know everyone says that about their kids, and i do not think mine are extra funny or anything,,. but just things that make me smile.
Right now Emy and Mac are both scrubbing the bath tub. With soft scrub and brushes (not their toothbrushes) and they are working so hard on the water stain that I personally know will never come out. But I didn't tell them that, and they are working so hard together trying to out the spot...
Yesterday Emy asked me to "get me on the website to look at homes, because I like to look at homes" hmmm wonder where she saw that???
When I was telling Kennedy about a potential house in Texas she asked 1. does it have a pool 2. do I have my own bathroom 3. does it have 2 living areas. so I guess it should really be simple then...