I know I have a lot to catch up on, but I am only going to start at Monday... so much has already happened since then, that you can just duplicate it times the amount of weeks I have not posted and that is my life...
I flew in from LA on the red eye (via Atlanta for some reason) and arrived in Jackson at 10:00 am. I did not lseep on my flight because I had 2 crying babies sitting behind me. I struggled to think semi-non evil thoughts and may have dozed...but certainly sleep would be way to generous of a word to use. I had practice at 3:00, and private at 5:00, Kennedy had practice at 6:00 and I had team practice 6-8. Nice night.
Tuesday I taught kickboxing and weight training from 9-10:45 and then went to the store for groceries and then home for 2 hours before I left for practice at 3:30-5:00 and a private at 5:00 and 6:00. Oh right and Mac had practice at 4:00 and Kennedy had practice at 6:00. Corey took all 3 kids to their functions. AND to top it off it is Valentines day and I have bought my husband a bag of chewy sweet tarts (which are his favorite) but they seem a little minimal after he presented me with roses and candles at 8:00am!!!! So I think, okay I am going to get the kids Chick fil a for dinner and I ordered nice steak dinners for us and I bought a bottle of wine. The plan: feed the kids, put them in bed and have romantic candle lit dinner with cute husband. What actually happened: I picked up dinner and then after placing it in my van, shut the sliding door on my middle finger!!!! I mean it is stuck and I actually have to open the door to get it out. I look and see blood. Okay, well nothing to do except get in the car and drive home! So I get home (side note: in the car I am alternating crying and screaming with yelling at myself to stop being a baby...rather funny) and our neighbor who is a nurse says: you need to go to the ER. So we drop the kids (and their dinner) off at a friends house and drive to the ER. We then spend the next 5 hours in the ER (yes, we left at 12:30) and they find out it is not broken, but I need sticthes and a possible tendon severed. Great. So he makes an appt with a hand surgeon and then tells me NO EATING until my appt the next morning. Okay, I go home, go to bed (while my husband eats his dinner)
Wednesday: Get to doctors office at 8:00am as directed only to find out doctor is not coming in until 10:00. So I sit there (starving...I would make a horrible anorexic) until he sees me at 10:15. Good news my tendon is crushed! (yes apparently that is good news) so no surgery this day, but we will see how it goes until next Thursday. Okay, then I go to practice at 3:30-5:00 go home, take Kennedy to church (Corey takes Mac and Emy to soccer) and I go to team practice 6:30-8:15. At 7:30 when Kennedy is through at church Corey is going to pick her up. So at 8:10 I get a phone call from the church "UM, your daughter is still here..." So I call Corey (who is at home) and he says "oh, I forgot!" So I left practice and went to pick her up.
Thursday: Teach kickboxing and weight training with a finger that doesn't work. and then come home to madly clean (someone is coming to look at the house at 3:15 and I haven't even unpacked my suitcase from my trip to LA). Get Mac to practice at 4:00... oops forgot his shoes, drive home and get those. Then go look at prospect house at 5:00 and then we are off. Kennedy has practice at 6:00, Corey has practice at 6:00 and I have cheer practice at 6:00. So I am madly driving Kennedy to practice, when I look up and see a little white car about 6 cars ahead of me. I think "that looks like Corey's car" and I am talking to him on the phone, so I say where are you and he confirms that he is indeed on the same road and I say Your practice was supposed to be at BC and he says it changed to Shiloh and that is where Kennedy's is....whoa. So I say (loudly) then why am I taking Kennedy to Shiloh???????? Anyway, I am going to my practice (late) and then Corey is going to a dinner at BC and Kennedy is riding home wioth a friends.
Okay, so if that doesn't make you tired....you have no children!!!!