Monday, October 11, 2004

At what age?????

At what age age am I going to have to slow down? Stop doing stupid things like... Pushing Emy in the baby jogger for 5 miles today, and now I cnanot even sit still because my legs hurt so badly!!! Or Spot someone in a back handspring that weighs at least 20 pounds more than me and is 4 " taller? Again something I did today, so not only are my legs killing me but my arms as well!!! Scary...
I will have to work out the rest of my life, I feel great about that!! In fact I am excited by it, that I will be healthy and feel good etc... but it sure is hard to fit in everyday! And some days, if I don't go, well then I certainly can't eat right! Anyway...
Sorry about my fine display of (psycho) anger from my last blog. I really want you all to understand that I truly wanted to run into that car, I am not kidding, I really wanted to! I think I have some issues (duh) and I am trying to sort them out. I do not have road rage, as in when I am driving, I am not angered by people, and I am generally just like whatever, so why should this get to me? I am not sure. May have been the combo effect of children misbehaving, trying to get back to Kennedy's game and of course the car in front of me. Why was my anger not directed toward the McD employee???Not sure about that one.
Okay, so loving my husband today! He is beyond words, always helping me with the kids, the dishes, the laundry, the cleaning etc... I am amazed everyday and I am grateful and lucky and happy that he is mine! When people see him, they may think he is cute (oooo he is!!!) but that is just the wrapping, he is so much better than what he appears! That is truly the reason why I love him. The whole package deal. He is great!

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