Thursday, August 18, 2005

Smooth sailing...

All is well here...not too much news to report.
Corey is still having 3 a day practices meaning he leaves at 6am and gets home at 10pm. Lovely!! And this time it is not really the kids who are hard to handle but the dog!!! She is a crazy puppy and that is all you can say about her. There is nothing to do to fix that except time.
I am still struggling with our schedule...trying to make sure everyone can get everywhere. Today I have practice at 3:00, so the kids will get off the bus at the neighbors and will stay there until 6:00. Then at 5:30 Kennedy's friends mom will pick her up for soccer practice at 6:00 and then after I pick up Mac and Emy (and maybe try to have some dinner that is not from a fast food joint) we will pick Kennedy up at 7:30 and then rush home, shower and get them to bed by 8:00. Oh right, and that excludes the fact that Kennedy has a vocab test tomorrow that we will have to study for. She had a math test on Wednesday, spelling test on Thursday and vocab test on Friday!!! This is EVERY week!! So I am really trying to get it all together and still be sane. (is this possible?)
Today Emy has on her big girl panties. Can't wait to see how long that lasts. (sarcasm)
It is still 98 here with a heat index of 105. That stinks!!!
I am going to start teaching a kick boxing class at the gym. That should be fun, and tiring and fun.
"Do not question the Creator of the universe- stand firm in your faith, in your belief that God does want the very best for you as he loves you like no one else can."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss talking to you on the phone!
i`m thrilled about you teaching kick boxing classes! and excited to hear a report about emy and her big girl panties! :)
i love you.