Friday, September 09, 2005

All about Mac

okay, for any of you who know Mac, you know he is so adorable and sweet and well mannered etc... He is truly a pleasure to be around.
Anyway, he cracks me up...
Last week I let him drive on my lap down the street and I told him we had to be careful or a policeman might catch us. And he said "will he put us in jail?" and I said "I am not sure, maybe" and he said "I do not want to go to jail and become a trash picker upper" See, while we are driving into Jackson, they always have prisoners out picking up trash and he has asked me who they are and I said that they were people who were in jail and the city makes them pick up trash. So that is the reason he doesn't want to go to jail.
Also yesterday he missed his bus to come home. Now I am not sure how that happens, since the teachers are supposed to stand there and put each kid on (especially a 5 year old) anyway, when all the busses left and Mac was there, the teacher asked him which bus he rides (like he has any idea, they are all yellow!!) and so then they take him into the office and call me. Well I couldn't leave to pick him up right away (because Kennedy rode the bus, and I had to wait until she got home) and when I got to the school, he was sitting in a chair in the office, totally asleep!!!! He was so cute, I couldn't stand it. I wish I had my camera in the car.
Oh well, that is my Mac, he is so sweet!

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