Friday, August 08, 2008


So Corey has 4 girls on his team from England and they are all fun and cute and hilarious!!! (and good players we hope)
We love them already. This is what we love:
"that's a right nice car you have there"
"...they just keep bringing the chips then?, you don't have to pay more?"
"I turned around and there was a lad, right there in my room"
And Emersons comments:
"Mama, they can speak Spanish"
"The English are taking me to the movies tonight"

Isn't it true that when you are around them, you want to speak like them, and soon whether you meant to or not, you are adding your own little english accent in. Scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that Emy said they can speak Spanish! Too cute!