Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tidy Whities

My boy has moved "up" to the awesome world of tidy whities...I used to buy all his underware at The Gap. I like them the best here. They are colorful and cute (in a manly) sort of way! Well, I guess not now! I just bought Mac a new package and he took them out, looked at them and said
"really mom?"
Otherwise known way shape or form am I wearing these "Gap" colorful undies.
He said "can I just have regular like white or gray or black or something?"
Just a side note though, I think The Gap should take some responsibility here, I mean why are they still making the "cute" underware in a size 8...obviously some 9 year old boys wear them? Or are all the moms buying them only to get the "awww mom..." and then returning them? The Gap should make only white, black and gray from size 8 and up! That's all I'm sayin.

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