Monday, September 13, 2004

great friends

It is good to have great friends!!! I have been blessed with good friends my whole life. When I think back to my friends from elementary, they were my same friends in high school, they are my friends right now. When I went to college (actually 3 different ones) I found great friends that I still am relating to! Let me tell you why people need need someone else to talk to beside your better half (I mean they are great, but who are you supposed to complain about them to?) need someone to listen and possibly give their feelings on the subject (not someone who listens then tries to solve your problem, I mean some probloms are unsolvable, that is the "fun" thing about them)...women need to chatter: about size, shape, hair, kids, the lady next door, etc... while men do not care about any of the above. Seriously, I asked my husband today if I should cut my hair (it is half-way down my back) and he said "Look, I like it any way you do it, it doesn't matter, it always looks good" then when I asked my friend, she said "yes, you should cut it, are you trying to be 20 or 37??" Men do not chatter, their topics are concise and direct and their is no warning, just boom! there it is.
Anyway, back to having friends...I have not found this great selection of friends here in Mississippi, and I feel like I am worse for the wear. It is sad that on any given day I can make 10 long distance calls, yet only one local call (to Corey of course). Life is strange...I am so thankful that I have those friends to rely on, when the selection here is dismal. Thanks to all my friends for loving me, suppporting me, chattering with me, and thinking of me also! I am so blessed!


Anonymous said...

i like your hair long.
you have the next 50 years to have it short.


Anonymous said...

so the bigger point here (than the one about all old people having short hair) is... how do YOU like it? let us get over the image thing. and do what we like with our hair! really though. sometimes in our life we feel like there is very little that we can control (i know you know how that is). so when there are things that we CAN control, lets do it. i know that hair is a small thing... but it's yours and it doesn't hurt anyone else (despite what they may say) what it looks like. and i don't think this opinion of mine just applies to hair.