Tuesday, September 07, 2004

a day in the life...

I just want to preface this by saying, I know this is "normal" and that you are all doing the same thing!
I woke up at 6:15am, got Kennedy awake, made coffee, fed Kennedy, got her on the bus by 6:45. I then emptied the dishwasher and sat down to cup #1, while I watched the beginning of the Today show. Mac woke up then and had "tee-teed" in his bed, so I got him in the tub, stripped his bed and got his laundry going. I washed him, got him dressed for school and fed him breakfast. Emerson woke up and I got her in her high chair, waffle (Corey did get her breakfast), and I got dressed to work out, got my contacts in etc..., got Emy dressed, switched the laundry over (Corey mowed the lawn...yes at 8:00am) and got into the car at 8:10 to take Mac to school. Dropped him off at 8:30 and Emy and I went to Walmart to pick up those stray items that I always forget! We get to the gym at 9:10, I jump in to an aerobics class (that started at 9) and do that for 45 minutes, then get on the treadmill and run 5 miles (I am training for a tri-athalon...right Molly?) then do a 45 minute "total tone" class, which is weights, and abs. So then at 10:55, Emy and I leave to go to the library, where we quickly select 2 videos (like she even watches anything except Barney) and I get 2 books, and we go to pick Mac up by 11:30. Then we go home, I make them lunch, and I start making dinner (tonight is lasagna/salad/bread) because I will not be home from the cheer gym until 8:30. So then at 12:30, Emy is ready for her nap (me too!!!) and Mac is playing on the computer, so I make dinner and confirm with my babysitter what the plans are and at 2:35 I have to leave to meet her (the babysitter) and she is taking my 3 kids to a soccer game, and then meeting Corey at 6:00 for Kennedy's soccer practice (he is the coach) and they practice until 7. I drop them with Ashley, go to the cheer gym and coach my first team 3:00-5:00 (they are short a base, so of course I fill in). Then a class from 5-6 and a team from 6-8. I have completely forgotten to eat today, wait that is not true, somewhere I squeezed in another cup of coffee and 2 (yes 2) pieces of birthday cake! So I got home at 8:30 and I just had lasagna, and another piece of cake (whoa...too much cake eating going on). I have taken the trash out and started the laundry again, and now I am checking email! I stink (did I mention that the cheer gym has NO AIR CONDITIONING!!!!! oh yes, and we live in Mississippi) so it was hot and muggy and disgusting. So I am going to take a shower and go to bed, hopefully before 10! Because my 6:15 calling will come too quickly!


Anonymous said...

I will preface this with "no, not everyone is doing this." It is only for the young and I "used to do it" but not anymore. I still like the "Hottie" one. I am prejudice but I think he is sooooo cute too. Love, jar

Kelly said...

I just have to say Alec doesn't even get up until 7:45 and is at school by 8:30. What is up with 6:45 - that is insane!