Monday, September 06, 2004

old age

okay, when I wake up in the morning, I will be 37 years old! Crazy, but this seems old! The last time I had a "problem" with my birthday I was 30, and my friends (who were all quite younger than I) consoled me and said it would be fine...and it was. When I was 35 I was pregnant with Emerson and therefore distracted from thinking I was old(er). Last year I made a huge road trip to Texas (Corey was on a soccer trip) and I did not want to be in Mississippi on my birthday by myself! So (logically) the only thing to do is pack up a 7, 3 and 9 month old and drive 8 1/2 hours, spend 2 1/2 days and drive back!!! So this will be better, Corey is home, I will wake up in my own bed and I am sure my family will dote on me all day! Regardless, I will still be 37 (and then 38, 39 ...) and I am now old enough to have birthed some of the cheerleaders I coach!
I just thought of this song that is on the kids cd "Jonah was a prophet Ooooo Ooooo But he never really got it Sad but true" Anyway the sad but true part is where I am going with can be sad but it is the truth and you cannot change the truth!


Anonymous said...

Oooohhh, Ooohhh! Hang in there! Wait until you are looking up at the BIG 40! Arghh... I was thinking yesterday as I was mowing the lawn and trying to mow it on the diagonal - Because that's what Dad would do. My mind is wandering and I was thinking about how Mom & Dad always seemed to know what the adult thing to do was. How I don't remember Mom calling Nana to ask how to do/make something. How Dad always seemed to know how to fix something or what to do. And as I'm huffing it across the lawn, I'm doing some math. When I was 10, Mom was just 30 & Dad 40. I hardley new up from down with Betsy she was 10 and I was 30. But I never got that feeling with Mom. I'm almost 40 now and still don't feel that assured adult feeling. (what does that feel like? Anyone know?) Of course, my husband, Dan was born 40! Anyway, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAMMY JO!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey tam!
i DID call on your birthday, but you were out for your birthday date! (that's what kennedy told me:). then, i fell asleep at 10 - which is 9:00 your time... i thought you would still be out... were you? tell me about your date! :)

i hope you had a HAPPY birthday. you deserve it!

and wendy~ i wish i was a mom that didn't know what to do with her kids. that would be more fun to me than where i'm at now. :) and don't worry, i'm sure you're kids aren't on to you... we weren't on to mom... now i'm thinking... maybe she didn't know as much as we thought... :) mom?

also, i made mom's mac and cheese last night. but i had to half the reciepe because i don't have a bowl big enough for the whole thing (actually, even if i did, my microwave would be too small for that big bowl!) so anyway, i was doing great with halfing everything, until i left it in the microwave too long! it got REALLY bubbly, and the cheese kinda chewed like rubber. oh well... i still need to call mom alot... :)

love you guys, molly.