Thursday, November 18, 2004

A sad moment

Kennedy had a sad moment yesterday, she missed one spelling word! This is the first word she has missed all year, and she was devasted! I casually asked her how her test went and she started crying and I knew it, I knew she missed "conclusion". She was struggling with that one, but I never thought she would miss it! She even gets the bonus word everytime (with the definition) so she has not scored lower than 105% this year. She was crying and I tried to tell her how even adults get confused on how to spell things sometimes and she wanted to know an exact instance, and of course I couldn't think of one so I had to make one up and I was like "Well, sometimes daddy (blame it on daddy) can't remember how to spell vacation, so I have to remind him" and she was like "oh that one is easy!, Why doesn't daddy know how to spell vacation?" So then I had to assure her that daddy in fact knows how to spell it, but sometimes gets confused or he is in a hurry and it just comes out wrong. So now she is probably thinking that at least her dad can spell, even if he is stupid! Anyway, I felt so bad for her! And she had to write the word she missed 5 times and she has to re-take the whole test tomorrow, and she doesn't get to eat a special treat while all the other (dumb) kids re-take their test! Life lessons stink!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ONE wrong word causes all that "life lesson"? that seems like an aweful lot...

well, maybe it will help her to have more compassion (or less flauting her special treat) with the other dumb kids?
