Sunday, December 11, 2005


Sometimes when I get a glimpse of him I see this boy. Not my baby son, but this boy who is swiftly growing into a little man. His feet are growing. I always notice this first. He still has small feet for his age, but they seem big to me. Next are his hands, then seem longer and stronger and I know he is growing. After that I see that his one little tooth is loose! And someday soon, it will fall out and then many more will follow. I can see it in his actions, the things he says and what he chooses to do. I can hear it in his voice "Mama, Santa is not real" and he states this so plainly and matter of fact that I cannot even contradict him. He has a little man haircut and he is actually becoming concerned about how he looks. But oh, he is so sweet. He tells me daily how beautiful I am (good son), and how much he loves me. He can still fit on my lap and comes to me consistently. His motto is "Girls go first" even though he is outnumbered in our home. He has a nice smell and I am sure one day someone else will love that about him. My forever son, Mac

1 comment:

wen2farm said...

ok, I'm crying now.......
Mac is beyond adorable. And as my kids have grown, and it seems so natural (Abby growing up amazes and sometimes saddens me) it's even harder to imagine my nephews and nieces growing up...
In the blink of a parents eye....