Thursday, August 11, 2005

School has started

Well, the kids had their first day of school!!
Mac loves kindergarten, he really had so much fun! He was sad though, because when I asked him what he did he replied "I didn't learn anything today!" He is so cute. He did tell me all about the discipline policy though, so she must have really stressed this point!
Kennedy had a great first day in fourth grade. Boy she is getting old! Her teacher is pretty strict and she went on and on about responsibility etc... So much so that it even has me worried! Will Kennedy be able to get everything done etc... And already (yes after 1 day) I can tell that 4 grade will be the turning point. I realize how much she was coddled in 3 grade, and her (3 grade) teacher was much more, oh I can do that for you etc... And now its like if you don't put your name and number in the right corner on every paper it is 5 points off!!! So, she will learn a lot this year!!
Emy was sort of bored, but I will tell you it is easy having only 1 at home! We were able to go to Target and Kroger and the library and it was so simple! She misses the kids though and waits for the bus to bring them home!
Elliotte has worms!!!! Nasty! I am taking her to the vet today, she is gross. I will spare some people the details (kt) as they are in a delicate condition!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yeah thanks for that! I was already holding down a gag as I was reading it!

My kids start school tommorrow. By the way, I think Kennedy did have it easy in 3rd grade considering Alec got 5 points taken off in 2nd grade for not "heading" every paper - and boy did that happen often!!! They always said they were "preparing" them for 3rd grade - so I am scared for what is to come. Geesh!