Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Bad mothering

I bet you know one person that constantly makes you feel like a bad mother (or dad)! I have met this lady who lives down the street and has 2 girls and she is constantly pointing out things that make me feel like I am an awful mother! And the thing is, she never says, "oh you are a bad mom" straight out, but this is what happens...
Our girls are the same age (8) and I have just begun to let Kennedy ride her bike in the street in our neighborhood, only on our strret where I can see her. Well, if this other girl rides her bike to our house (she lives at 208 and I live at 231) her mom will drive in the car behind her.
Kennedy called to ask if she wanted to have a lemonade stand in our driveway, so the mom gets on the phone and is like "is it safe?" "are you going to sit with them" "who is going to be stopping" etc... Now, understand this, we do not live in the ghetto, so yes I think it is safe. I was planning to clean out the garage so, yes, I would be outside. And I do not have a list of name sthat will be stopping, but I can check ID's if you want!!!!!!
Kennedy rides the bus home from school. And this mom was like "oh, you let her ride the bus?" as if this is comparable to placing her in a cage with a tiger! And then she says "well, I heard that the bus driver cusses at the kids" And I think well, I'm sure they deserved it! J/K!!!!! Really, I called the bus barn and they told me he has driven the bus for 17 years and has never had any "violations" on his record. So ????
Both her girls will be in school all day (Kindergarten and 3 grade) and I was thinking that is great! I am sure you will be enjoying your time! And she almost started crying, and said "It is devastating! My husband is staying home with me for the first 2 days to help me through it" Okay....??!!!!!!!!!I must be awful thinking that Kennedy is gone all day and Mac will be gone in the mornings 5 days a week, and that makes me happy!!
And it goes on and on "I don't allow candy in the house" "I have never had a babysitter for these kids" "I would never let them have their own minds" J/K that was me speaking sorry!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, It's about time you wrote again. I missed you. You better not be a bad mom, those are MY grandchildren you are talking about. You told me that story before and she is the strange one - way out of line. What is K doing that is so strange? I don't remember 8. It is really surprising what she said about Mac. Good but shocking. Have you heard anything about Richmond? Love, Judi

Anonymous said...


Alec is in school and Evan is in Preschool until 3 - I am in heaven!! Is that horrible!? I don't think so! Also glad to hear your comments about cotnentment - that makes me feel better! Since Jeff came home the other day and said "so, how long do you want to live here?" I thought he was going to tell me he got a job offer somewhere - instead he said he got a three year contract and a raise here. Woo hoo - I think?!!? Kelly