Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The way it is...

This is the way it is...
I am sitting here sipping a glass of wine (offensive? oh well, I am legal) and eating a bag of popcorn. This will be dinner. Corey is at a school dinner (eating well I assume), and the kids are actually well fed (i made turkey sandwiches, apple slices, and yes I gave them some popcorn) so no one needs to call CPS on me.
The way it is... I was asked to help start a cheer gym, and now my opinion doesn't matter, I am being told what I need to do, I am working more hours and ?...
The way it is... I asked my next door neighbor to watch my children (I did pay her $40.00) and they DESTROYED my house and her dog licked my baby on the lips/nose/eyes/ears/cheeks until she started crying (for some reason I just thought of Steve Raikes' old girlfriend that we called cheeks!)
The way it is... I need a vacation!!!!!!!!! Any takers???


Anonymous said...

hi there.
i'm at wendy's and we decided to get on and see how the "life and times" were where you're at. we love you! (and abby says "hi").

not supposed to be settled here on earth... yeah. that's a good one. :) i should probably write that on the correct blog... but, let's go against the rules here. :)

i think this is going to be a season of honesty. a season of change... internal and external. hopefully the internal will then affect the external... i'm hoping for openness within the family, especially. vulnerablility. maybe blogging is the way to start this new season?

Anonymous said...

Last night was the first time I had time to ck out your blog spot. Molly & I had fun reading the last few and today I caught up on the previous ones - miss a day, miss a lot!
The way it is.....for me now, is that I feel like I'm "chasing my own tail" and can't get caught up! If I don't take a single moment off (like responding to a blog!) then I might possibly get caught up by your birthday!
HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY! We haven't started school yet, as we are caught in the throes of unfinshed 4-H projects and are going camping next week (I so don't deserve time off!) My goal as we start this new school year.......
Love you, W.