Wednesday, August 18, 2004

In the Car

I am driving home last night in the car with the kids and the car is the automatic signal that every child can please sing, yell or say "Mommy" over and over again! As I am driving and Kennedy is singing/drumming on the seat in front of her(making up something as I do not have the radio on)... Emerson is using her favorite way of communicating, which is screaming....And Macguire keeps saying "mommy, I 'm sorry my hands are dirty, mommy I'm sorry my hands are dirty" And I sat there thinking, how long can this go on if I do not say anything???So I drive and drive and 11 minutes later all is still loud (Kennedy is singing the same line over and over again for 11 minutes!!) so at the 11:30 breaking point I am seriously wondering why Jesus is not reappearing and saving me from sure commitment (insane that is)!!!! Haha!!! Every parent knows what I am talking about.
Also, I have to say, there is something weird about 8 year olds, they just act strange sometimes and you have to wonder what they are even thinking!! I remember my sister Molly having this same stage! (sorry Mol!) I was 18 and Kelly was 17 and we were like who is this alien child and why is she always doing something strange! If you have (or had) and 8 year old, then you do know what I am talking about! I guess I should end every sentence "you do know what I am talking about" I will be like Paul Harvey "and now for the rest of the story" Funny, I can remember my dad listening to that all the time!
Kennedy brought home a book from school that she made "all about me" and it was full of some interesting things that I didn't know about her! Like if she was granted 3 wishes what would they be 1. Another sister!!! (sorry, that would take an act of God)(or vasectomy reversal) and 2. A new dog ( of course I knew this one since Keegan has died) and 3. A horse So interesting! Also it says "what makes me sad" and she said when my brother hits me (which I do not get, if you have seen Macguire you would know that first of all he is not big enough to hurt anyone and secondly, he is sweet as can be and wouldn't hit) but then the next question was "when am I lonely" and she wrote when my brother is not with me. Awwww, very sweet.
okay enough kid chatter... If you have ever had an unsettled feeling in the pit of your stomach and have wondered just what that was about I would like to suggest something...You are not supposed to be completely settled in this world! At times I am wondering what am I doing her what is going on and why do I never quite feel fulfilled?? I have a great life, the best husband,wonderful kids and all is well, so why am I constantly unsettled?
"In order to keep us from becoming too attached to earth, God allows us to feel a significant amount of discontent and dissatisfaction in life - longings that will never be fulfilled on this side of eternity. We're not completely happy here because we are not supposed to be!" After all what is the purpose of life on earth? Preparing for eternity.
So, I leave you with that today, oh yeah, I have changed my settings on this blog, so if you want to comment you can without being a member! Fire away! I love hearing from people!

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