Tuesday, August 03, 2004

It's always something!

I am writing this one in a "blah" color because that is how I feel!
In June I called every health club to see what their prices were and I decided to go to the cheapest one!! Anyway, my first day in an aerobics class, the instructor said "I want to talk to you after class" and then later "when can you start teaching!?" So I am thinking, okay free is better than any charge so...why not I will teach! Of course I come to my senses when I cannot breathe during an entire class, and I cannot complete 250 push-ups that the militant instructor was demanding, so I was thankful when my coaching job got me out of the position to teach. So I of course told her I would sub, and that way I would still be able to go for free! Well, I got home from vacation on Sunday and I am feeling large, and I go to class on Monday and she says "oh our Wednesday girl quit, so you can start teaching this wednesday and it is a power step class followed by a 30 minute ab class!" So, this is Tuesday, I have no earthly idea what I will do tomorrow morning at 9:00, but it will be funny, that I know! So, things like this happen to me because, I always try to get things for free?! Or I cannot say the word NO, to strangers, yet have no problem telling my kids and husband no frequently. Who knows, you figure it out!
Also, kids eating habits, I mean what is this all about! I have one perfectly healthy, good eater(Kennedy), who eats most things adults will not eat (although she doesn't like pb&j) and then there was Mac! Will only eat peanut butter, pizza, chicken nuggets and pasta! The child eats NO vegetables, and the only fruit he likes: apples. So, what happened? I feel like I treated them both the same, gave them the same chances to like things and still, they chose different ways. Okay, and let's not forget the littlest, Emerson, she is steadily following in her brothers footsteps, only she doesn't eat peanut butter, or pasta! She does eat apples and peaches but no vegies. So whatever! Okay, I cannot even concentrate anymore because I have to figure out an aerobics routine that I can accomplish and will still give others a workout! Peace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you! :)