Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Wrong Impressions

I fear that I have given some of you a bad impression of my husband, which I would like to correct right now! He is the best and very helpful and an overall great husband and father! So, you all know (married with children people) how life gets at times and that things are crazy!
Last night Emerson decided to be awake from 12:00 -2:45 am. I do not know why, I could not get her back to sleep, she wanted to watch Barney, and I would not let her! Where into he world did I get such strong willed children?? Anyway, as I am awake at 2:45 I am thinking how this "interference" will drastically change my schedule for today and how am I going to work everything in and still have a semi-happy child! Every day can be different, it all depends on your children! When did they start making the decisions (there's that word again) and I merrily had to play along? Anyway, instead of aerobics and Wal-mart, we had to only go to Wal-mart and now she is sleeping and I should be finishing my bedroom or we will be on the couch once again! Later!

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