Thursday, August 26, 2004

Lost apples

Today Mac has "lost his apples"!!! After four days of eating and playing at school, he has now lost his apples. This is a disciplinary procedure, and this is what happened. He was running, talking, and throwing things (I am not sure what), and he would not obey. So his apples were taken away. Which means that he had to sit down during outdoor play time. So I drive up to pick him up and he is practically crying with his bottom lip stuck out so far, so I say what is wrong and he says "I lost my apples" and he is SSSOOOOO sad, and the lady buckling him in the car says "Oh he lost his apples, thats not good" And I do not even know what this is, although I have figured out, not good. So I asked him what he did and he told me and then I say, well you will need to apologize to Miss Margaret, and he says I did, but she told me to sit down!! And I said well, you cannot disobey, she is your teacher and you need to listen. He says "well, I just wanted to have fun!" But he is still upset, and very sensitive about the whole issue. Then he tells me "the boy in the black shirt and the one with brown hair lost their apples too" Funny? I don't know. I do know that he was very upset about being disciplined, and this is his first time! I told him he would have to tell his dad what happened today and that he was sorry etc... and he said "daddy will be mad at me" and I said "No, he will love you anyway!"
I will say that out of my three children, he is the least expected to act out of line, so I am curious to see where this may lead.


Anonymous said...

How cute!!! When he tells his dad - he will have to ask his dad about Mrs. Bowman and the balloon stick! jar

Kelly said...

Okay - seriously - I can't imagine what Mac could have done - he is so sweet and listens very well! That lady makes me mad and I'm not even his mom!! I can just see his lip sticking out - that is very Mac! Have a good day!