Sunday, July 13, 2008

My passport story

Well, just when you think you have everything worked out...
I finally went downtown to get my passport processed, and after a 20 minute drive and a short wait there I was.
All of my paperwork completed and the cutest picture of myself to go on the passport.
Actually I took 2 different pictures down, and I was asking the lady there to help me decide which one to use.
They were both very good pictures I had cropped out of family pictures.
I mean, you need a good picture, it is a 10 year commitment!
So imagine my surprise when I get there and she says
"all photos have to have a white background"
that's right people, I should have actually read all the paperwork.
So...what to do??? Go home and get a new photo?? Drive all that way for a good photo?
The vain part is screaming YES
The reasonable part is whispering, no it is okay, just have her take one right here right now and be done with it.
That sounded good, until I caught a look of myself in the mirror.
Did I mention that I had just come from the gym?
With a NIKE hat on my head and
a (sweaty) grey t-shirt on????
Passport lady is like "do you have a brush?"
As if I carry one around just in case I need to have a passport photo taken (even though I had 2 lovely sets in my purse, one with a gray-ish background ((come on that is close enough)) and one with a purple background)
So she is clearly startled by my choice to have my picture taken.
Well, I can't take a passport photo with my hat on (sort of terrorist-ish) so I take it off and "fluff" my hair and then pull it back into a pony-tail (my daily summer do) and pull some out to make like I have bangs (at least some hair) and then even before I can put on lipstick, she takes the picture.
There you go.
My 10 year passport with the world's ugliest photo!!!
love it.


Kelly said...

ah - those pictures are like 1x1 squares and you can barely even tell who it is - so don't worry.

Why do you need one anyways?!!?

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