Monday, July 14, 2008

Should and Should Nots

What I should be doing:
Find a house to move into in Tyler Texas (in 16 days)
Pack up house in Brandon MS (what... I have packed 5 boxes already!)
Keep house clean, just in case contract falls through
Pray that our nazi, I mean inspector, gives our buyers a good report (he just "failed" a house in my neighborhood last Friday)
Scope out the job market in Tyler Texas (I really think at this point I could be a realtor, I already know everything about every house possible)
Become fluent in Spanish (in like 16 days) Seriously, I applied for a cheer coach position at a high school and they called today and offered me a teaching position, a SPANISH teaching position, in a HIGH school, in TEXAS, where actual Mexicans live. I was like "No, I applied for the cheer coach position" hello, where is the correlation? Just because I minored in Spanish in college (who doesn't) and taught ELEMENTARY Spanish last year (IN MISSISSIPPI...not too many Mexican here) does this somehow qualify me to teach? wow. that is all I can say.

What I should NOT be doing:
Sitting by the pool for 5 hours
Taking the kids out to lunch because I am too lazy to make something
Surfing other blogs so i am "up" on all my friends (I really know very few of them) lives
Talking on the phone to friends
Keep up with reading the 4 books that I am currently reading (that calls for a post in itself, I am very excited about each book. Perhaps when I am procrastinating later tonight I will make that entry)
Dream about living in a foreign country
Eating cereal for dinner, for the 3rd night in a row...

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